• INTERNAL - Sample Content Request

    This page is for creating a sample content request via telephone or another internal method.

    We typically make the following 3 pieces of sample content for clients:

    • 1 Thematic Post (a post where we take a larger theme of your organization and find something meaningful or related to make a post about)

    • 1 Product Post (a post where we highlight something you offer or sell and make a post about it)

    • 1 News/Update Post (a post where we find a link to something relevant to your business or about your business and make a post about it)

    If that sounds good -- please fill out the form below and we'll get started!
    If you like or need something else, please let us know below.
    Here is the link if the form below doesn't appear: https://kyuzo.activehosted.com/f/7